VGMF Entrepreneurs support Program: Empowering Women & Young Entrepreneurs


Welcome to the VGMF Entrepreneurs support Program, a vibrant and transformative ecosystem dedicated to empowering women and young entrepreneurs. Our mission is to cultivate innovation, support women & youth in becoming self-dependent, and create lasting impact by providing comprehensive support to aspiring entrepreneurs.

Our Entrepreneurs Support Program is a dynamic initiative tailored to provide a holistic array of resources, mentorship, strategic guidance, financial and operational support to women and youth entrepreneurs. We understand that embarking on an entrepreneurial journey can be challenging, especially for those who are just starting out. That's why our incubation program is designed to address the distinct needs and hurdles faced by women and young entrepreneurs.

If you're a woman or youth with a business idea, a startup, or a budding venture, we invite you to become a part of the VGMF Entrepreneurs Support Program. Let us be your partner on this exciting journey to entrepreneurial success. Through this incubation program, we aim to provide mentorship, strategic guidance, set-up assistance, seed capital, economical finance, marketing, operational support and a platform for growth to those who have the potential to create a positive impact in the society and help others. Financial and non-financial support be provided to shortlisted startups for the initial year.  The support can be in the form of financial assistance or non-financial assistance or a combination of both.

Inspiring Entrepreneur Stories !

Eligibility Criteria

Women Entrepreneurs: Open to women of all ages who are passionate about entrepreneurship. Individuals with innovative business ideas or existing startups.

Young Entrepreneurs: Open to young adults up to 29 years old. Individuals with innovative business ideas or early-stage startups.

Business Idea or Venture: Participants should have a clear and viable business idea or a startup that is operational for at least 1 year. Ideas or ventures from a wide range of industries are welcome.

Innovation and Creativity: Preference for ideas or ventures that demonstrate innovation, unique value propositions, or creative approaches.

Commitment and Dedication: Participants must be committed to actively engaging in the program's offerings, including workshops, mentoring sessions, and networking events.

Potential for Impact: Ideas or ventures should have the potential for positive economic, social, or environmental impact.

Clarity of Vision: Clear understanding of the problem the idea or venture solves and the target market or audience.

Coachable Attitude: Participants should be open to receiving feedback, adapting their strategies, and learning from mentors and experts.

Diversity and Inclusivity: Encourage a diverse range of participants from different backgrounds, cultures, and experiences.

Demonstrated Passion: Evidence of a strong drive and passion for entrepreneurship.

Application Process

  1. Online Application Form : Interested applicants should complete the online application form on our website. The form will require personal details, family information, educational background, and a short note explaining the business plan of their start-up.

  1. Review and Selection : Our dedicated team will review all applications carefully, considering the eligibility criteria, clarity in business plan, past experience, viability of product and services offered, financial position and need. Shortlisted applicants may be contacted for further details or interviews.

  1. Final Decision : The selection process will be conducted by the VGMF team, and their decision will be final. Selected applicant will be notified through email or phone.

Benefits under this Program

Financial Assistance

The shortlisted applicant/proposal may get financial support in the form of initial seed capital, loan or other assistance for a period up to 2 years. The amount, tenure and nature of financial assistance will be at the discretion of VGMF.

Mentorship & Peer Learning

Recipients may get the opportunity to be mentored by professionals from various fields, gaining valuable insights and guidance for their business or start-up. Members will be encouraged to share learnings.

Critical Business Process Support

Recipients may get support from VGMF in critical business processes which are essential for success of the business/start-up. These services include assistance in managing marketing, raw material sourcing, managing vendors and supply chain, accounting, financial management, HR, customer care, etc.


Selected applicants/proposals will have their names and achievements showcased on our website and other media platforms, inspiring others and showcasing their dedication.

Terms & Conditions
  • All information provided in the application must be accurate and truthful. In case of any discrepancy or false information, the amount of financial support provided must be returned to VGMF.

  • The decision of the VGMF team regarding selection of project/candidate for this award will be final.

  • Financial assistance shall be paid directly to the start-up/company in lump sum or in instalments with our without any security at the discretion of VGMF. Similarly, duration or nature of non-financial support shall also be at the sole description of VGMF.

  • Regular update on the progress of project/business, including audited financials, are required to be submitted regularly.

  • Name and details of Project/Awardee, at the discretion of VGMF, shall be publication at VGMF's website or other mediums.

  • VGMF reserves the right to cancel or stop financial or other support to the selected Project/Awardee at any time at its sole discretion. VGMF can not be hold liable for any loss or damage to anyone due to such decision.

Entrepreneurship Support Schedule

The VGMF entrepreneurship support is awarded on a quarterly basis, following the calendar quarters. Interested candidates can apply throughout the year and applications will be reviewed and considered for the next available quarter’s distribution. Scholarships will be awarded on the following dates:

Quarter Last Date To Apply Date of Award

January - March 31st March 25th April

April - June 30th June 25th July

July - September 30th September 25th October

October - December 31st December 25th January


For any inquiries or assistance regarding the entrepreneurship support program, please contact us at Kindly mention “Entrepreneurship Program” in the subject line of your email.

We believe that entrepreneurship is a powerful avenue, and through the VGMF entrepreneurship support program, we are committed to making a meaningful impact on the lives of talented and deserving individuals.

Apply now and take a step towards a brighter future!

Kindly prepare a short note about your venture and support needed and email it to us at contact@vgmf.